Compact digitally controlled IGBT inverter
The Power TIG 185 is basic equipped with an AC / DC tig for welding both steels and aluminum. Adjustable AC balance conttrol 10-90%, same as 250EX. The machine is suitable for both enthusiasts and demanding professional welders. Reliability is top notch.With gas-cooled WP26 burner as standard.
Attention buyer!!
USA and Europe packaging is slightly different!!
European packaging includes: gas-cooled tig torch with consumables, electrode holder and ground clamp.
€1.099,00 €879,00 inc. VAT
Stock level:
in stock
Warranty: 2 years
- 185A/17.4V @ 35% Duty Cycle/ 40º C
- 145A/15.8V @ 60% Duty Cycle/ 40º C
- 110A/14.4V @ 100% Duty Cycle/ 40º C
- 150A/26V @ 35% Duty Cycle/ 40º C
- 120A/24.8V @ 60% Duty Cycle/ 40º C
- 90A/23.6V @ 100% Duty Cycle/ 40º C
- TIG: 74V
- Stick: 74V
AC: 240V: 20A-150A/20.8V-26V
For the extra go anywhere capability, the Everlast PowerTIG185 DV delivers dual voltage capability that will enable you to operate virtually anywhere a power outlet is present. The digitally controlled IGBT inverter of PowerTIG 185DV delivers a smooth, steady arc, as good as any unit in it’s class. The PowerTIG 185DV features both AC/DC TIG pulse welding capability along with a stick welding function. The TIG Pulse function is simple to control and use with 2 pre-programmed settings that offer the choice of operating at 1 pulse per second, or at 50 pulses per second. It’s designed to be another “tool” in your tool kit when welding metal. When the welder is compared to similar products from Miller or Lincoln, the PowerTIG 185DV offers the widest range of adjustment, and the best duty cycle. The digitally controlled inverter retains the analog style input, making it a favorite for those users that like to “see” all their settings at a glance. This welder is perfect for pet projects around the shop, or a go anywhere portable unit you throw in the truck, when you don’t know quite what to expect when you get to the jobsite.
- Portable Repair
- Light Production/Fabrication
- Gun Smith
- Farm/Ranch
- Hobby/ DIY
- Motorsports/Offroad
This unit is not designed for use with E6010 Stick electrodes.
If using on a generator, use only with a “clean power” Generator that is rated as 5% or less Total Harmonic Distortion.
This rating is supplied by the manufacturer of the generator and is the level considered safe for electronic equipment.
The minimum generator size required for operation is 7500 watts (surge rating).
Weld steel to a maximum of 5/16″ single pass (240V)
Weld steel to a maximum of 1/2″ multi-pass(240V)
Weld aluminum to a maximum of 1/4″ single pass (240V)
Weld aluminum to a maximum of 3/8″ multi-pass (240V)
Weld to a minimum of .007″ Steel ( 240V )
Weld to a minimum of .020″ Aluminum ( 240V )
Stick weld with a 3/32″ Electrode (depends on type and brand, may require a smaller electrode for some types )
Stick weld with a 1/8″ Electrode (depends on type and brand, 240V)
This unit not rated for E6010 Stick use.