The Power TIG 200DV is basic equipped with an AC / DC tig for welding both steels and aluminum. The machine is suitable for both enthusiasts and demanding professional welders. Reliability is top notch.
With gas-cooled WP26 burner as standard.
Attention buyer!!
USA and Europe packaging is slightly different!!
European packaging includes: gas-cooled tig torch with consumables, electrode holder and ground clamp.
€1.329,00 inc. VAT
Stock level:
In stock
Warranty: 2 years
- 200A/18V @ 60% Duty Cycle/ 40º C
- 160A/16.4V @ 100% Duty Cycle/ 40º C
Stick Amps @ Rated Duty Cycle: 240V
- 160A/26.4V @ 35% Duty Cycle/ 40º C
- 130A/25.2V @ 60% Duty Cycle/ 40º C
- 100A/24V @ 100% Duty Cycle/ 40º C
Max Inrush ( I1MAX ) Amps: 240V: 31A
Maximum Rated (I1EFF ) Input Amps: 240V: 23A
- TIG: 68V
- Stick: 68V
- HF
- Lift TIG
As the latest addition to the analog line of inverter TIG welders from Everlast, the PowerTIG 200DV features all of the same dynamic performance of the PowerTIG 200DX, but expands its versatility by adding dual voltage and a digitally controlled IGBT inverter. Able to operate on 240V single phase 50/60Hz, the unit offers maximum go anywhere performance. The unit is definitely portable, and can be used with any generator that is rated for 9000W (240V) surge watts and is certified by the manufacturer as “clean power”. If you need a reliable, TIG welder that you can carry with you and make quality welds day-in and day-out, the PowerTIG 200DV is definitely one to consider.
- Hobby/ DIY
- Gunsmith
- Motorsports/Offroad
- Farm/Ranch
- Production welding/ Fabrication
- Shipyards
- Piplelines
- Industrial maintenance/HVAC
- Portable Repair
Use only with generators certified by the manufacturer as “clean power”. Use with clean power generators rated for at least 8500 Surge Watts.
- Weld steel to a maximum of 5/16″ single pass (240V)
- Weld steel to a maximum of 1/2″ multi-pass(240V)
- Weld aluminum to a maximum of 1/4″ single pass (240V)
- Weld aluminum to a maximum of 3/8″ multi-pass (240V)
- Weld to a minimum of .007″ Steel
- Weld to a minimum of .020″ Aluminum
- Weld with a minimum of 1/16″ diameter electrode
- Weld with a maximum of 1/8″ diameter electrode (240V)
- Not Rated for E6010 Use
TIG limits are recommended based off of practical limits and industry recommended standards for single and multi-pass welds.
Stick min/mas recommendations are general and may vary between manufacturers and electrode types.