LIGHTNING MTS 275 is MIG, AC/DC TIG and Stick welder.
3 phase 400V.
– The PowerSET function makes it easy to configure MIG, AC-DC TIG and Stick settings.
– Large and clear 480-resolution TFT digital display.
– Displays several relevant settings at the same time, allows quick adjustment.
– High voltage ignited AC / DC-TIG, ie a real “all in one” model.
– Digital control improves control and reliability.
– User-friendly panel without complicated hidden menus.
– The synergistic MIG function automatically adjusts the wire speed when the voltage is increased or decreased. This maintains a preset ratio of volts to amperes that can be manually adjusted by the user for best results.
– Bypassing the PowerSET function allows the user to return to manual adjustment of the settings at any time.
– The memory function allows you to easily save and restore favorite settings.
– Reel gun available as an accessory. Ideal for welding aluminum.
– two gas connections: separate inputs for MIG and TIG gases.
– TIG’s AC feature allows the user to weld aluminum.
– Pulse TIG feature increases welding quality.
– Compact and lightweight design.
– The TIG Up and Down ramps allow the user to control the end of the welding cycle.
– 2T / 4T function.
– Adjustable pre- and post-gas for TIG and MIG functions improves welding quality.
– The package includes the Deluxe foot pedal.
Attention buyer!!
USA and Europe packaging is slightly different!!
The European package does not include the throttle and pedal.
€2.822,00 €2.257,00 inc. VAT
Stock level:
In stock
Warranty: 2 years
- 250A/26.5V @ 60% Duty Cycle/40º C
TIG Output Amps/Volts @ Rated Duty Cycle: 240V
- 250A @ 60% Duty Cycle/40º C
Stick Amps/Volts @ Rated Duty Cycle: 240V
- 200A @ 60% Duty Cycle/ 40º C
Max Inrush ( I1MAX ) Amps: @240V: 44.9 A
Maximum Rated (I1EFF ) Input Amps: @240V: 23A
- MIG: 74V
- TIG: 74V
- Stick: 74V
TIG Output Range :
- DC: 10A-250A/AC: 15A-250A
- This unit is AC and DC capable
- (High Frequency or Lift Start operation)
- 10A-200A
Variable MIG Inductance/Stick Arc Force Control: Yes
Spool Gun Capable: Yes
No MIG Pulse, TIG Standard AC and DC Pulse and NEW! Advanced AC Pulse only:
Standard AC/DC TIG Pulse: .5-150Hz
Advanced TIG AC Pulse: .5-10 Hz
TIG: 0- 10 Seconds
MIG (Run-in):0-1 Seconds
TIG: 0-10 Seconds
MIG (Crater Fill): 0-2 Seconds
- High Frequency Start and Lift TIG start in TIG Mode
- Pulse TIG with AC and DC output for Aluminum, Steel, and Stainless
- Advanced AC Pulse (mix of AC and DC-) improves high end penetration and low end handling
- Advanced Squarewave, Soft Square Wave, Triangular and Sine Wave AC TIG for advanced Aluminum welding capability.
- MIG with Inductance Control
- Stick Arc force Control
- Stick Hot Start Duration Control
- Stick Hot Start Intensity Control
- E6010 setting with hot start
- Spot Time .5-15 Seconds
- Stitch Time 0-15 Seconds
- TIG AC Frequency 20-200Hz
- TIG AC Balance 30-70% of EP
- Burn Back Time 0-2 Seconds
- Inductance/Arc Force 1-100%
- All new Synergic Power Set Feature
- 4.3″ Digital 480 Resolution TFT Display
- NEW! Power Set/Synergic Feature in all modes
The Lightning MTS 275 is the latest in the MIG/TIG/STICK line of welders to feature AC/DC TIG welding capability. This new unit features revised synergic function now called “Power Set” and now includes auto set parameters for all three modes. The 250 Amp unit excels not only in features, it also excels with performance. The new design allows the user to view most all relevant settings simulaneously. This reduces scrolling effort and allows near instantaneous adjustment of all common parameters in use. The new PowerSET function allows the customer to enter basic operating parameters in MIG, TIG, or Stick mode, and automatically selects the proper Amps and Volts (where applicable) for the user, as well as a few other possible adjustments. This new unit also features a Flux-Core mode for operation with most common types of Flux Core wire (without gas/self shielding). As powerful as the welder is, it is also capable of operating on 120V if the unit needs to be carried to the work. Of course, you’ll have reduced output, but you will not suffer for lack of available duty cycle. As far as operating duty cycle at full-tilt output, all processes feature 60% output at maximum amperage for the Process. That means, for MIG, at 250 Amps, you’ll have 60% duty cycle available. For TIG, at 250 Amps, you’ll have 60% duty cycle available. For Stick, at 200 Amps, you’ll have 60% Duty Cycle available. Add the PowerCart 300 and the PowerCool 400 for a convenient, stacked design to complete this welder.
Recommended Areas of Use:
- Portable Repair On Road or Off Road
- Automotive garages/Muffler Shops
- Motor Sports Facilities
- Construction sites
- Factory Maintenance
- Research/Education
- Fabrication shops
NOTE: Use only with a generator rated by its manufacturer as “clean power” if using with a generator. Consult manufacturer of generator for certification. Everlast does not approve or endorse generator brands or models, however, if the damage to the welder occurs from use with a generator not labeled as producing clean power by its manufacturer is not warrantable. Typically clean power is represented as less than 5% THD. Generator Requirement: 240V: 11,000 Watts MINIMUM. When using a generator, failure to use a generator rated as clean power voids warranty.
Appearance and type of accessories and consumables may vary from what is depicted.
- Weld up to a maximum of 1/2″ single pass* (240V)
- Weld up to a maximum of 3/4″ multi-pass (240V)
- Weld a minimum of 24 gauge (240V)
* Single pass welds greater than 1/4″ are not recommended as a sound welding technique in short circuit mode. To achieve max penetration on 240V, axial spray is necessary.
- Weld down to a minimum of .020″ AC; .010″ DC
- Weld up to a maximum of 3/8″ AC; 1/2″ DC single pass (240V)*
- Weld up to a maximum of 1+” mult-pass (240V)
*Welding greater than 1/4″ thick in a single pass is not typically recommended for the best quality welds. Multi-pass welds are usually performed on metal 1/4″ or thicker. The reason for considering greater power on thicker metals is to more quickly overcome the heat dissapation rate of thicker metals so faster travel speeds and greater control can be obtained.
- Weld with a maximum of 3/16″ diameter electrode (240V)
- Weld with a minimum of 1/16″ diameter electrode (240V)
* When considering welding with stick, it is more important to factor electrode capacity than welding thickness capacity due to multi-pass requirements of thicker metals. Each electrode has a range of minimum and maximum thicknesses the electrode can weld, depending upon electrode manufacturer recommendations and formulations.